
Friday, September 23, 2016

New Challenge

Good morning!  The winner of our Inner Child/For a Child challenge is #23 Laura.  Congrats Laura!  Please email me at for your two free digis from The Stamping Boutique.
Our theme for you this week is It's Apple Season.  Let's see all those apple cards.

Here is a little inspiration from our design team ladies.




Our Rules
The requirements are quite simple-
1. Your project must follow the theme
2. You can enter a card, scrapbook layout, altered item, etc...
3. It must be a new creation
4. Please link to the actual post where your project is located
5. If your card/project is chosen as WINNER and you have used a TSB image...then you win 3 free digital images from TSB, if you have used another image...that's ok-you can still 2 free digital images from TSB
6. Any project linked up that does not follow the challenge rules, or individual challenge, will not be considered for challenge winner