
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Stamping Boutique's own Christy Dillman....

Several times in the past couple of days, I've read comments thanking me for posting certain things on this blog about so and so and this and that. I post my new images, but 90/% of this blog is NOT ME!  All of of the credit for the beautiful writing,challenges and sponsorships goes to the most fantastic, wonderful DT/Challenge Coordinator EVAH!!!!!  Christy Dillman! My name is written at the bottom as posted by Tracey Malnofski only because I created the blog. Christy deserves full credit. So when you see you card or blog featured on the store blog, don't thank me. Thank Christy. THANK YOU CHRISTY!!!!!
Christy's work can be found HERE


  1. Good to know!! Christy, you are doing a GREAT job!!! We appreciate you!!

  2. Thank you for all your work Christy.

  3. Christy you do such a fabulous job and I thank you!!!

  4. Yeah for Christy! We would not be here if it wasn't for you! Thanks!
