
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Introducing Christy Lindeman

 Hi everyone. My name is Christy, and I'm really excited to be joining the amazing ladies at The Stamping Boutique. My husband and I moved to California from the east coast after our wedding a little over a year ago. Since then, I've split my time between crafting and raising our crazy puppy, Herbert. 

I've loved crafting ever since I was a little girl, and now I get to do it full time. In addition to making cards, I can be found scrapbooking, knitting or crocheting, making jewelry, or taking up any craft that requires going out and buying a whole bunch of new supplies! My greatest loves (besides my husband and dog, of course), are my Copics and my Pazzles. Both get daily use, and I love the excitement of making pretty new things.

I first discovered The Stamping Boutique's images while working with Card Cupids, a charity that sends cards to children going through rough times. I fell in love with these stamps, and I'm so honored to be joining the team.

To see more of Christy's work check out her blog Hobby Hopping.
To learn more about Card Cupids, check them out here.


  1. Way to go Christy! Can't wait to see what you create - after seeing everything you have done at Card Cupids I know it will be great!

  2. Welcome Christy (L), lol ... So glad to have you on the DT - can't wait to see what's in store for you!

  3. Christy,
    Happy to be working with you at TSB, Looking forward to seeing more of your work.

  4. Hi Christy! I look forward to working with you on the TSB design team :)
