Thank you for joining us today on our special blog hop to "Remember 9/11." If you came here from Amanda's blog you are almost finished hopping, if not please head over to Collette's blog to start the hop! I know we all have memories of the events of 9/11 and what/where we were when we heard the news! So we are hopping today to honor those that are fighting the war after the affects of 9/11.
Operation Write Home collects cards made by many of us stampers for the service men and women to send home to their family and friends since there aren't any Hallmark type stores where they're stationed. Operation Write Home has some specific requirements for their cards which can be found on their website. Just click the highlighted link to find out more. (For starters - NO GLITTER ... Stickles are okay since they won't typically rub off. Also - they prefer the standard A2 size cards, but will gladly accept any you wish to donate.) If you have a stash of cards you don't know what to do with, Operation Write Home would love to take them off your hands. They typically ask, however, that you include a blank envelope for every card you send. It's a wonderful way to show the troops some love by allowing them the opportunity to send a card back home. Please take the time to visit Operation Write Home and OWH Stars & Stripes Blog for more info on how you can become involved in sending a little love and support to our troops!
Please make sure to leave a comment today on what you thought of the hop, one random person will win 5 free digi images of their choice from TSB! In honor of the hop today, please grab this free ribbon image to use on your wonderful 9/11 creations.

Blog Hop Order:
Jenn R.
Jenn M.