Hi everyone! Just a quick note to say that the My Little Audrey Valentine collection is now in the store. I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season. I'm off to wrap presents, my friends. Have a wonderful weekend!
The Fairy Cynthia Isn't this card beautiful? Piali Biswas made it using my fairy Cynthia image and kindly allowed me to use it today. I designed this line last summer for InStyleStamps.com. Yesterday I purchased her as well as the entire line of Cynthia's and my Medieval collection. They will be sold in the store soon. I'm super hyped up about this. These stamps are made of excellent quality red rubber and the details are perfect. I'm just so glad to have my Cynthia home. The best part is that now I can continue the lines. I'm going to start a Cynthia Valentine's fairy today. Thank you so much for letting me share this with you. Have a wonderful weekend my dear friends!
I can't stop drawing Audrey! help! Is there a support group for people like me? It's all I want to do. I'm going to have 100 Audrey's before the year is out. What I really need to be doing is wrapping presents. I must have 200 presents to wrap. Yep. That's what I'll do. Wrap some presents, then to reward myself. Draw another Audrey. :)
Good morning everyone, I know it's a bit early to start working on Valentine's, but I'm just too excited to wait. This is my first Valentine's Day drawing stamps and I'm just bursting with ideas. I started drawing stamps in March of this year.I want to give a big shout out to Virginia of InStyleStampsfor believing in me and giving me a chance. Thank you so much, Virginia! You're my hero!
This amazing card was made by TSB designer Rhonda Z. I absolutely LOVE this! I think this is one of my very favorites of Rhonda's. She outdid herself on this one!
I was thinking of having some scrapbooking challenges after the holidays. I like to add images to my scrapbook layouts to give them a little something extra. I know I'm going to have tons of pictures to scrapbook after Christmas and I thought maybe we could have some scrapbook challenges. This would be way after the New Year when we're all not so busy. LOL. It's just something I thought I'd run by you all. Please give me some feedback. If you like the idea, I'll start working on some scrapbook type images.
Have a wonderful evening!
Hello everyone, Stef and I have our new images posted a little early this week. They're listed under, "What's new?" and "Glitterbabe's newest arrivals" Happy creating and keep warm!